Entry Level Turntable-- Preamp Matching

I got my first turntable about 6 months ago, a Rega RP1, to kick off my new-found hi-fi habit. Next thing I got was a a Musical Fidelity V-LPS to replace the built-in phono stage on the receiver I was using.

I've upgraded to an Exposure 2010s integrated since then and got the upgrade package with Bias 2 cartridge for the RP1, but still the most noticeable upgrade in my system has been that V-LPS. No other change has opened the sound up or made as huge a difference as a new phono preamp.

So now I'm thinking, if $100 got me that big a jump, what could I get for $500? $1000? I've started poking around preamps in that range, a used PS Audio GCPH, Graham Slee Era Gold V, or Musical Surroundings Phonomena II.

So my question is, would it be foolish to get a preamp of that caliber and feed it with an upgraded RP1? They would give a lot of "growing room," which is important to me, but I plan on sticking with my RP1 for a few years yet and don't want to blow money on quality I'll never hear because my TT isn't up to it. Could something a little more modest like a Jolida JD-9A, Graham Slee Gram Amp 3 or Pro-Ject Tube Box be a better "match?"
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xskza
It sounds like you are pretty happy with what you have now. I wouldn't be so fast to change it. If you are listening to music, thats all that matters. One thing I will ad given your statement about the phono preamp making a big difference. You're right about that. Preamps make a huge difference, be it a line stage or phono.
Thanks for the wise words, everyone. It's true, the upgrade bug bites hard. Now, if only I had seen your comments 12 hours earlier... I ended up finding a great deal on a Phonomena II on here, checked that the seller had a return policy (he did) and I went for it.

Who knows if I'll keep it, but since this is only the second preamp I will have heard I'm excited to compare it to the V-LPS.
Skza - please provide an update when you get that MS Phenom II. I am having a similar bout of upgrade-itis. Maybe it is this unusually warm March weather.
Dont be bummed-the Phonomena II is a great unit. I think you will notice the improvement over the V-LPS.
Oh, I'm definitely not bummed. On the contrary, I'm excited to try out a great new piece of equipment. And if it doesn't offer the jump I was hoping for I can send it back and stick with what I've got.

It should get in on Wednesday. Since there are probably others like me and Ghosthouse, I'll be sure to get back with thoughts.