Listening habits and LP storage

Does your LP storage scheme affect your listening habits?

The majority of my albums are in the basement while my system is on the ground floor. I keep about 30-40 albums near the system (so that they don't overtake the room).

I find that when I listen, I'm picking from the nearby albums instead of my entire collection. I also have lots of new albums that need to be cleaned before I'll listen to them and I'm not getting to those very quickly at all (although I keep buying them :-)).

I'm not at all frustrated by this - if I was I'd be motivated to get up off my rear and rotate the selection near my system. Rather, I find myself content as I put something on and get swept up in the music.

How about you?
Jazzcourier, it is hard to find good help these days. My preference, before the downturn, was to use a hand wound Victrola. FWIW, there is a book called "Lost New York" which has pictures of elegant old buildings that have long since been razed. In one, showing an earlier incarnation of the Waldorf Astoria, the book depicts a room done with Persian rugs, samovars, and hookahs. As I recall the description of the picture, it was the 'Turkish smoking room w/ boy assistant.'
I think the Titanic was similarly equipped.
I live in Arizona where the temps rise to 100 plus degrees. I have been here for 4 years now....I store my records in the un airconditioned garage. I store them upright on shelves with the spines out so that I can pick and choose what I want to hear. I just don't experience warps at all....I know that's hard to believe, but there you have it.
My records are stored in floor to ceiling shelving units in a room next to the listening room. I tend to pull out a handful of records at a time based on what I think I will want to hear, which then get scatterred around the room until I eventually take them all out for reshelving. I decided to put the LPs in another room out of concern for possible dust or mold exposure if I was in the same room as the records. I don't know if that is really a problem or not, but the present arrangement has generally worked well.
My LP's are stored in two-tiered cabinets much like you find records in at any of the record stores only they're furniture grade wood with a nice cherry finish. This way the albums face front and you can flip through them easily. Each one holds 500 LP's. They're in my living room where my stereo system is. The room is mostly used for music listening as we have a large family room downstairs where the home theater is. I keep a printout created on Excel of all my records with the cabinets, they're in genre order and listed alphabetically under each genre, which is how the LP's are stored, so I can also just look at the list to see what I might want to pull out for a listening session. You can see the storage cabinets on my audiogon page under "Ever Evolving" system.