"If one medium is threatened, it's CD"
No doubt. DIgital downloads are a way bigger threat to CD than vinyl. SImilar to how digital downloads of books are a threat to the formally printed variety. Printing/publishing to physical media in general is a negative growth industry as a result of digital access and downloads. Many local daily newspapers would like to be able to be done with it already due to the relative costs and overhead of printing and mass distribution of printed materials. Lots of happy trees out there as a result I imagine!
"Now I did comment directly to this issue of traceability above, but the *generalization* that no groove can be tracked by any cartridge is simply too much of a generalization. If that were true LPs would not still be around. "
Yeah, its all relative. No encoding/decoding approach is perfect, digital or analog. Each has advantages/disadvantages.
No way vinyl will ever even come close to competing with digital moving forward though. IT may well outlast CD redbook as a niche market though in that digital will continue to progress beyond CD whereas vinyl will continue to provide an alternative for those who care I suppose.
No doubt. DIgital downloads are a way bigger threat to CD than vinyl. SImilar to how digital downloads of books are a threat to the formally printed variety. Printing/publishing to physical media in general is a negative growth industry as a result of digital access and downloads. Many local daily newspapers would like to be able to be done with it already due to the relative costs and overhead of printing and mass distribution of printed materials. Lots of happy trees out there as a result I imagine!
"Now I did comment directly to this issue of traceability above, but the *generalization* that no groove can be tracked by any cartridge is simply too much of a generalization. If that were true LPs would not still be around. "
Yeah, its all relative. No encoding/decoding approach is perfect, digital or analog. Each has advantages/disadvantages.
No way vinyl will ever even come close to competing with digital moving forward though. IT may well outlast CD redbook as a niche market though in that digital will continue to progress beyond CD whereas vinyl will continue to provide an alternative for those who care I suppose.