When it's to good to be true?

I was surfing a few other sites NOT Audiogon and ran across what looked like some great deals.
1. Krell KSA 250 selling in Oregon for $1500 one week ago.
2. Audio Research LS25 MKII for $1200 in Florida posted last Thursday 8/8/02
3. EAD PM2000 for $2300 new in Florida same person as LS25

Well I contacted the person Via email on the KSA 250 asked question like age, balanced outputs which I am sure they had and whether boxes were available.

I find out that even though the ad states location in Oregon the amp is actually in Barcelona, Spain.

I give the person my # to call and say they can not. I ask for serial #'s and no responses.

Last Friday I see the LS25 and EAD Powermaster for a bargain price. I say sold for the price stated once verbal contact is made. This morning I get a email stating the Pre amp and EAD power amp are in Spain and he would only accept wire transfer for the funds.

I checked this persons profile using the websites weak method of verifying info. and it turns out someone left positive feed back on the same day the ad was posted.

I reported this to the website and I am waiting for a response.

I hope no one has tried buying any of these items. Some how I think they are bogus. I heard in a few threads before about someone doing this on Ebay.

Be careful, and yes I love the audiogon community.
This is a scam! Do a search of the forums here and you will see many threads documenting the same or similar circumstances. Beware!!
Had the same experience with a plasma tv that I was going to buy... all ready to go... but the TV was in Spain...
Same guy..
Do an audiogon chat search on "Barcelona." There have been a number of postings regarding possible fraudulent offerings from Barcelona.
For Sale:

The Brooklyn Bridge in good condition for only $5,000.00. Please wire money to Spain before taking it home.
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