Actually this "makeshift" thing was just an impulsive thought, simply because I could not conjure up a valid list of tonearms which I would truly like to buy as my "main" arm. My requirements are simple but sometimes too much of simplicity is not easy to achieve!!
As stated in another thread, I listen to a lot of oldies classics and many of my records are "old" as in not in good condition. At present I use a SME 3012 S2 and I am surprised that with this arm the sound is very composed, refined and silent even on very worn out records (still clearly sounding worn out). Unfortunately in my part of the world (India) records manufacturing have stopped decades back and I always have to depend on used records to enjoy music of this origin. In most cases the records are not in good condition. That is why many people on our side prefer MM cartridges which have the tendency to suppress garbage and present music with fuller presence.
One excellent thing I love about the SME 3012 is its ability to keep the timbre very accurate. It is very important!! When listening to a 50s melody it really paints a "black and white" picture of the music nearly transforming me into that era. It depicts the vintage-ness of vintage in such a convincing manner that it feels like I am watching a movie of that era in a old world cinema theatre. Now that is not easy, let me tell you! I have played these records on many modern vinyl setups with high end tonearms and cartridges and most of them fail to achieve this realism of presenting the era along with the music tones. I agree they sound clean and resolving but when we talk about melody it is more than just clean dynamic sounds. I would also like to point out that the Denon 103pro which I was using prior to the ZYX was even better in painting this picture than the ZYX. In the end I do feel that, may be because we/I have grown up with those classics I relate to every nuance of them much more closely than I relate to something like Diana Krall/Jennifer Warnes kind of music. These newer age music sound good on many setups and the criteria to appreciate/enjoy these music is mostly dependant on detail and transparency.
This is the reason I am unable to prepare a list of tonearms to consider. I am looking for a tonearm which is lively, resolving, good tracker, can handle new age MCs well and is really tone/timbre neutral. Am I looking for too much ?
If not then please help me at least prepare a list of tonearms under $2k (new or used).
BTW, I have an offer on Origin Live Conqueror and Naim ARO at this point (both used).
As stated in another thread, I listen to a lot of oldies classics and many of my records are "old" as in not in good condition. At present I use a SME 3012 S2 and I am surprised that with this arm the sound is very composed, refined and silent even on very worn out records (still clearly sounding worn out). Unfortunately in my part of the world (India) records manufacturing have stopped decades back and I always have to depend on used records to enjoy music of this origin. In most cases the records are not in good condition. That is why many people on our side prefer MM cartridges which have the tendency to suppress garbage and present music with fuller presence.
One excellent thing I love about the SME 3012 is its ability to keep the timbre very accurate. It is very important!! When listening to a 50s melody it really paints a "black and white" picture of the music nearly transforming me into that era. It depicts the vintage-ness of vintage in such a convincing manner that it feels like I am watching a movie of that era in a old world cinema theatre. Now that is not easy, let me tell you! I have played these records on many modern vinyl setups with high end tonearms and cartridges and most of them fail to achieve this realism of presenting the era along with the music tones. I agree they sound clean and resolving but when we talk about melody it is more than just clean dynamic sounds. I would also like to point out that the Denon 103pro which I was using prior to the ZYX was even better in painting this picture than the ZYX. In the end I do feel that, may be because we/I have grown up with those classics I relate to every nuance of them much more closely than I relate to something like Diana Krall/Jennifer Warnes kind of music. These newer age music sound good on many setups and the criteria to appreciate/enjoy these music is mostly dependant on detail and transparency.
This is the reason I am unable to prepare a list of tonearms to consider. I am looking for a tonearm which is lively, resolving, good tracker, can handle new age MCs well and is really tone/timbre neutral. Am I looking for too much ?
If not then please help me at least prepare a list of tonearms under $2k (new or used).
BTW, I have an offer on Origin Live Conqueror and Naim ARO at this point (both used).