Setting Azimuth

VPI Scoutmaster
JMW 9 standard tonearm
Soundsmith Zephyr cartridge band new
Using a Fozgometer and Hi Fi News Test LP both also brand new
I'm measuring at the interconnects off the turntable.
I cannot seem to achieve a proper azimuth that will give even channel balance. The only adjustment on this tonearm is the counterweight which is weighted a the bottom so turning it side to side should effect azimuth. Only extreme changes are affecting channel balance. I changed the interconnects in case they were causing the problem, but I get the same results. The right channel is a few decibels louder no matter what I do to the azimuth unless I make an extreme adjustment which has the tonearm cocked to one side and obviously this is not correct.
I cannot seem to achieve a proper azimuth that will give even channel balance.
Azimuth has little if any effect on channel balance (except when very badly mis-adjusted, as you've experienced). You're measuring the wrong thing.

This has been discussed many times on this forum. I suggest you search and read before further spinning your wheels whilst aimed in the wrong direction.
When I measure each channel separately with the fozgometer using tracks 4 & 5 of the hi-fi news test lp the right channel reads a stronger signal than the left channel.
I have a Zephyr and a Counter Intuitive on my JMW 10.5i arm and had little difficulty setting azimuth with my Fozgometer. Peter Ledermann does have reservations (which I've forgotten) about the Fozgometer, by the way.

I love this cart/arm combo but did call Peter when I was having a "low rider" situation with the stylus coming too close to the LP for comfort. What he said kinda surprised me: run the arm slightly tail-up (rather than level) and set the VTF at 1.4g, which he said would work fine with my arm, instead of the 1.8 to 2.2 range shown in the "manual" that came with the cart. This certainly did the trick as far as the low-riding was concerned.

I've not experienced any issues with the cart clearing the outer ring clamp. I'm running at 2.0grams with the arm level. I've checked cartridge alignment against my Mint LP alignment template, and I'm tracing the arc properly and the cart is aligned to the tangent marks. There's no real anti-skate on this arm. Just the twisting of the tonearm wires coming out of the top into the junction box. It's just frustrating I cannot seem to achieve a close to equal signal on both channels. No matter what I do, the right channel is louder. I'll give your recommendations a try (1.4G and higher VTA) and report back.
Have you calibrated the Fozgometer? Mine had a similar issue. Downloaded the calibration tracks, burned them to CD, hooked the Fozgometer up to the CD player and calibrated it following the instructions. You will find thm on the Musical Surroundings website.

Try that and then recheck your azimuth via the Fozgometer.