Definitely worth your time to try the Mac preamp. Hopefully you're talking about a newer one, as it would be a perfect match for the 352. Also, here's some additional info I found. Prima Luna power amps have an input impedance of 100k, which results in a ratio of 35.7 with their preamps. Your MCD 201 directly to the 352 results in a ratio of 33.3. The Prima Luna preamp to the 352 ratio is 7.1.
The combination I had in the past was a tube preamp at 5k output hooked to a solid state amp with a 25k input, just no dynamics and dull, and this amp sounded great with a different preamp, very dynamic. Then I changed to an amp with a 100k input for the tube preamp, and even with less power, but sounded so much better, finally came alive.
The combination I had in the past was a tube preamp at 5k output hooked to a solid state amp with a 25k input, just no dynamics and dull, and this amp sounded great with a different preamp, very dynamic. Then I changed to an amp with a 100k input for the tube preamp, and even with less power, but sounded so much better, finally came alive.