I can't handle digital after analog light my fire

I am sure many of you are crossing the same bridge, after having several CDP and DAC's from diferent sources and tricks to make digital alive, this days as much music as I have on Cds I rarely play them, sometimes I have to push myself to do it cause i miss some good jazz and vocals but after 30 minutes i come back to analog, listening anything literally,
i am wondering if anyone experience the same?
and what it will come next for me....

regards and thank you.
I know exactly what you are saying. I came back to records from CDs and have not listened so much to music since I ,well, started listening to CDs in the mid 80's. So much better to me. Seems more natural.

As to what is next, you will put together the best analogue system you can afford, and then you will go back to getting a good digital system together because of all the great music only out in digital. LOL! A lot of good music since 1990. Try to get Charles Lloyd's ECM or Chicago Underground output on vinyl. List is to long for me, but those two pop into my head.

Enjoy the music, anyway you can,
Agree with Stringreen. $1000 digital just won't do it, no matter what anyone says. Also - don't listen to analog and digital in the same listening session. It confuses the ear.
"The engineering and mastering of the particular recording is by far the most significant variable, IMO, followed by the quality of the particular playback equipment."

Definitely true, Almarg. I just received my first Chesky CD and it sounds so natural, very much like analogue. Only problem is they have limited titles.
But getting back to the thread, I do love the sound of vinyl.
My CD collections still far exceed my LPs since I have been buying CDs from 1986 onward and only have been buying LPs for the last few years so I still listen to CDs and actually mainly my music servers for music that I don't have on LPs.
However, after listening to opera on CDs and now on music server, it is very hard to listen to opera on LPs. Far too many breaks at inopportune time. CD is not as bad and music server is perfect. I can listen to the whole opera or at least the whole act without interruptions the way the composer intended. Listening to Wagner on LP is painful.
Music gets interrupted way too often!
However, for most other things, I tend to listen to LP more.