Basis 2500, 2800 or Debut - which would you use?

Hi fellow Audiogoners - I am giving serious consideration to acquiring either a Basis 2500, 2800 or Debut - which would you use and why? I look forward to your timely replies. Thanks very much.
you are in the upper limits for me but I have a 2200 sig and love it, also have a 1400 sig in a second system. the 2200 has been a solid performer for years, dead silent and impervious to mechanical or airborn vibration.
In the 90's I was a visitor from a Dealer demo, he had 5 Turntables on a rack, some very expensive ones (Linn LP12 max, Clear audio, Simon Yorke, Transrotor and a cheap Basis 2001 with Suspension feet, Rega 250 with Incognito wire and a Miyabi Cartridge)..all Importers used their Arm/cartridge of choice used the same Frontend and Amplification + Speaker, all carts got 47kohm, no damping ...
This little Basis was so superior to ALL that a few Listeners asked for another demo because they couldn't believe what was going on ... others were 8x the price...
I agree with Syntax. All of the Basis tables are extremely well-engineered and built to very tight tolerances, so you really can't go wrong with any of the choices. The Debut's suspension system probably gives it a slight advantage over the 2500 and 2800 in terms of isolation, but I would strongly urge that you get the vacuum system with it. I've got an Ovation that I upgraded with the Debut's platter, bearing and vacuum system, it has worked flawlessly since I got it in 1991, it truly conveys the music and the vacuum is a revelation in flattening warped records. Only point where I might question Syntax is the arm choice. I have a Graham Phantom Supreme arm, which I like a lot, but I'm not so sure whether I would not trade that for the latest Vector if given the chance.
Pops, Are you sure the Basis 2200 is "impervious to mechanical or
airborn vibration?" I believe Syntax had his Basis on a Vibraplane and
noticed an improvement from the added isolation. I have my SME 30/12 and
motor controller on a Vibraplane and also noticed an improvement.

I did recently hear a Basis Debut with a Vector arm and Clearaudio Goldfinger
cartridge in a super Spectral/MIT/Magico Q7 system and the sound was very
natural and enjoyable. I really liked the build quality and vacuum system on
the Basis.
....But I would buy it with a Phantom Arm instead of the Vector.
hello Syntax, could you please explain why you would prefer the Graham Phantom arm over the Basis Vector arm? I would like to understand your reasoning. Thank you.