Earbuds & Motion Sickness?

I'm a Metro commuter (DC version of subway) and today, for the first time, used my Etymotics ER-6 earbuds with my iPod. Also for the first time, ended up with motion sickness discomfort... I've heard motion sickness is a result of inner ear balancing or something and wondered if my experience was the result of using earbuds. Anyone had a similar experience? I'm not generally prone to this kind of thing and I never had issues when using the ear phones that just sort of sit in your ear... (The etymotics actually kind of plug into your outer ear canal creating somewhat of a seal). I'm not anxious to recreate the experience for test purposes.
Good News & Bad News. The bad news; they will probably have the same result on a plane, for you (they don't bother me). The good news; there is a little bag in the pocket of the seat in front of you.
Haven't had this particular problem with earbuds, but I can tell you, it's likely to be the same result every time. Things that make you motion sick tend to do so consistently. If you want a definitive test without the discomfort, try taking dramamine and repeating the test. If you don't get the symptoms (and especially if you start feeling drowsy when you would normally be feeling motion sick), you'll have your answer.
forget the dramamine (nasty stuff) try the seasickness accupressure wristbands. Those things realy work for motion sickness - might even help out the earbud situation?
Were you listening to music from the new Patricia Barber CD?
If so, that would explain it.

Brad Day
Atlanta, GA
Was not listening to P. Barber. Instead, Sugar's Copper Blue, I believe. Puts me in a better frame of mind to go to work.

Since I'm not really willing to take dramamine everyday, and since I'm too much of an objectivist bent to have acupressure bands or other forms of magic work for me, guess its back to the cruddy little foam thingies that came with the iPod when I commute. Maybe I'll still give the ER-6s a whirl on the plane sometime with my Grados as a backup. The courtesy bag is not an option. Associated sounds really mess up the stereo imaging anyway.


Thanks for the responses.