In-the-Grove lp cleaner

Got one for Christmas. I think they are $20 or so. Far more effective than a brush. Consider it essential if you like dust free lps. Cheers.
I mean GROOVE cleaner-not grove cleaner.

I havent noticed a residue. Clio09 how did you detect it? Was your lp tacty to the touch?

Never saw the infomercial...
I detected it by accident. The LP was not tacky to the touch and the residue was not easily visible by just looking at the LP. When I played it I noticed much more noise than usual. So I looked at the LP under bright light and you could then see the residue. It was so apparent that I could actually see the cleaning pattern I used when rolling the brush on the LP.
Yikes, I'd get out the AIVS four-step solutions and clean off that residue before playing it again.
Sorry to hear that. What did your stylus look like after it ran through the residue? I'd contact the sellers or manufacturer to see if there is a remedy.