VPI Scout setup after watching Frefmer's video

I understand all the concepts, however one question still bugs me. When I read VPI's manual they go through the set up process pretty well with one of the first things you do is set the anti skate. Here is what I don't get, if the anti skate is hooked up how are you suppose to set tracking force and azimuth correctly if ther is a constant counter force acting on it? Even if you disconnect the Lemo it still imparts a force just hanging there.

I'm a newbie at TT's so maybe I'm missing something.
The Scout doesn't have a traditional anti skate option. You do have a little adjustment if you twist the cable that comes out the back of the arm and then reconnect it. When you do that, the force created by putting the extra tension the cable acts as an anti skate.
Yeah, I understand how it works, just not how you can negate it when setting other things like TF and azimuth if there is a constant "twist" acting on your adjustments.
Unwind it to a neutral position, set the downforce, etc., then wind it back up for the anti skate tension.
I get better sound with NO anti-skate at all. I tried the twist method and the actual anti-skate gizmo, but my cartridge sounds best with none at all.