Rega phono cart,s that can be used without spacer

Does anyone out there know of phono cart's. that can be used with Rega tables such as P3, P5, RP6, and Rp8, without having to put spacers in to insure the correct VTA? I love to change cartridges, but the Rega arms discourage this, and Rega apparently wanst you to use their phono cart's: Bias, Elyses, Exact, etc.
I believe the standard stylus tip to cartridge top ht on a Rega cartridge is 14mm. When I had a Dynavector DV20XH I had to us a 2mm spacer on my P7 - dealer installed. For my Delos on my P9 I am using a 4mm spacer.
I believe the Goldring Eroica might fit without a spacer. BTW, it is a very nice cartridge for the money. Available lo or hi output.
I just ordered a Nagaoka MP-150 for my Rega P3-24 from NeedleDoctor, and I was assured by Brian that a spacer is not needed, and that the Nagaoka cartridges match quite well with the Rega RB-301 tonearm.