Not true..You can use just about any cartridge you want ..I have a P3/24 and use the RB301 tonearm with no spacer I have mounted with great results, a Denon DLl10 and a Nagaoka MP200 both great cartridges...If you want to use heavier carts,you might have to upgrade the counter weight to a(recommended- groove tracer). And IF you did want to use a taller cartridge you can buy the spacer and install it yourself, its not hard. Whoever is telling you that Rega is a hard to work with table probably does not sell them or own one.
Rega phono cart,s that can be used without spacer
Does anyone out there know of phono cart's. that can be used with Rega tables such as P3, P5, RP6, and Rp8, without having to put spacers in to insure the correct VTA? I love to change cartridges, but the Rega arms discourage this, and Rega apparently wanst you to use their phono cart's: Bias, Elyses, Exact, etc.
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