Is Coincident Statement Phono pre-amp an overkill

Is it an overkill for my Clearaudio Concept TT and Concept MM cartridge.

I am a new to Analog but clearly its going to be my #1 source of listening pleasure I know already.

Should I start the safe route of picking up an EAR 834P and then going up the chain.

What are your views on this phono stage in general is it worth the money, I have a chance to get one at 25% off retail, which for this phono as I understand never happens, have not seen this phono in Audiogon ever in the last 6 months of looking everyday.
Hi Onhhy61,
I clearly understand your point and it's logical. I feel that Essrand is committed to building a LP collection that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. I rather buy the Coincident Phono now (if it's within budget) rather than the lesser component only then to upgrade later anyway.

Lewm, I'm not suggesting this is a 'once in a lifetime deal', however 25% off is very good for this top shelf phono stage. Yes there's more than one approach to this situation. I'm just a believer in getting the higher quality gear when you can(and when the price is right), most often there's no looking back. I know Essrand will make his own decisions, I'm just trying to be helpful.
I have always found that (with research/patience) buying once is THE best policy. If it is affordably doable, get what will best be in play with your system, period!!
Then your LP music search will be encumbered.
Edit: will "NOT" be encumbered. Case in point. When the system is GOOD! And the music is GOOD!, do not attempt anything else while being fully immersed..
10-26-13: Essrand
I did expect to keep the TT (Clearaudio Concept) for a few years. I hope getting the Coincident will not make do that upgrade too.
Based on a quick read-through of this thread, it seems to me that this is the major issue that needs to be considered. As Banquo mentioned earlier, the Coincident phono stage will not work properly with your present cartridge. In addition to the gain issue he mentioned, it does not provide suitable loading for MM's. So you'll want to invest in a high quality LOMC, that will do justice to the phono stage, and not require further upgrading in the foreseeable future. And although I'm not familiar with the Concept, I'd seriously question whether a $1400 turntable + tonearm would do justice to that cartridge, if used as anything more than a temporary stopgap.

I don't mean to be discouraging, but I'm just suggesting that if you go for the Coincident you should be prepared for the possibility that you'll want to upgrade the turntable and tonearm sooner rather than later. And seconding Isochronism's point about buying once, that upgrade, done right, is likely to involve considerable $.

-- Al
Get the EAR 834P.

Maybe one day you will have a table, arm and cartridge that can make the most of a phonostage like the Coincident.

In my opinion, you want to try to keep some sort of balance even during the upgrade process. There will come a time when you make a big jump to the next level - but I don't think this is the right one.

Just let it slide out of your mind and don't think about what could have been. It will come around.
