VPI Aries with non-VPI arm

Anyone using a VPI table with an arm other than those made by VPI?

I have a new Aries/3D setup. I like the table but the unipivot style arm is not for me.

I'd like to switch the 3D unipivot for a gimbaled arm: Tri-Planar, Kuzma 4 Point, etc.
Can the Aries be retrofit to take these arms?

There is no local dealer to ask and VPI's phone info has not always been accurate.
It's a shame that VPI doesn't make an armless table anymore. You should check out the Sota line,they still do.
The Soundsmith Counter-intuitive comes standard on 3D arms (Aries)? Both 10.5" & 12" arms? I assume your $10K rig is with the 12" 3D. I am considering moving from my Rega P9/Lyra Delos to a VPI Aries 3D (10.5") with a Ortofon Cadenza Black cartridge.
Give a call to Seth Frank at SoudStageDirect.com. His TT guru, Jay, is very good at what he does and he may be able to help you. Plus Seth is very knowledgeable about the VPI line and offerings. He may even have a used gimbeled arm at his showroom he woudl sell.
The early VPI 3D arms were a bear to set up, but the new ones are pretty easy. The counterintuitive, and the Fozgometer make it a foolproof proposition. ...and you really only have to set up the arm once..it never goes out of adjustment.
"03-14-14: Maxh
I think I'm jumping the VPI ship."

Take a look at SME. They have a new TT coming out priced between the 10 and 20.