Solid core phono interconnect - Recommend Please

I am looking for a high quality phono interconnect (RCA-RCA) preferably solid core. Currently I use ASI Liveline which is very detailed and transparent but it is not very fluid. The only reason I am looking for a solid core is because I find them more transparent than typical multi-strand cables. A good solid core copper interconnect should get me the flow and transparency I guess. Kindly recommend some. It need not be shielded because I dont live in the city area. It should be neutral, fluid and dynamic.
I've been using Herron Audio interconnects with very good results. Fluid and transparent. No filtering. No peakiness like with silver. No bloated sound. Just very smooth and detailed. Just the music.

I can't say if they are prone to RF or other noise, but I do use them between the turntable and phono pre to carry the signal from a low output mc cart.

I think they would fit your budget comfortably with some $$ to spare.
Thanks guys, I will check out with Audio Origami and Herron. In fact I think it may not be a bad idea to get a cable made out of Cardas tonearm cable which is one of the upgrades suggested for Rega tonearms.

Moonglum, I have never owned a TW but have heard on many occasions. It is nice but not as natural and fluid as a Verdier.
Make your own. Buy 4 of those Eichmann Bullet Plugs , 1m
(double)silver wire and solder the (RCA) connectors. My
aunt Natalija can do this job so why not you?
Pani - Try contacting Keith Herron directly. He is very approachable and great to work with.
I am with Nandric, but if possible, eliminate the RCA (or DIN) plug at the tonearm end by directly soldering to the tonearm wires. The best "connector" is no connector.

If you don't want to DIY, you might check on eBay. There was a guy who advertised on eBay for custom phono cables. To my precise instructions he made me a pair of cables (DIN termination) that sound great. I will search for the name, if you are interested.