Phono preamp with two inputs: two MMs or MM+MC?

These days many phono preamps with one input support both MM and MC. Those with two inputs have one MM and one MC input. It means that those phono preamps have an SUT or some sort of amplification built inside the unit.
Such phono preamps would cost more compared to those that support MM input(s) only.
Is it a trend for phono preamps to have switchable MM/MC input? According to my experience with two turntables or two tonearms (one with MM and one with MC), it is a nuisance to change cables whenever I change from MM to MC or vice vursa.
Also, I have an SUT for MC cartridges and I don't need a direct MC input, so phono preamps with two inputs (MM and MC) are useless for me. I would assume that there are a lot of users with multiple turntables with MC and MM cartridges who prefer SUTs over built in amplification. For those users, isn't it make more sense to make phono preamps with multiple (two or three) MM inputs only?
Get an Aesthetix Rhea. You can also get rid of your transformer unless you want that sound in your system
You would have to use a linestage preamp and use separate
stand alone mm phono preamps into the aux inputs in the
linstage preamp to do that. BTW,what is your phono preamp
plugged into now?
Pass Labs XP-25 has two relay-switched inputs and relay-switched active gain options of 53db, 68db, and 76db. That gets it all done without a SUT. The unit has a wide range of selectable load options for MC, but is limited to 47K for MM. I solved that issue by installing a socket for plug-in resistors in the 47K position.
Herron VTPH-2 has both MM and MC. It also has external connectors for MC load adjustment. No SUT on the MC side.
Doshi will configure your phono stage however you want; multiple MM, multiple MC, or a mix. All active gain stage, no SUT.