Oh where or where have all the buyers gone?

Has anyone noticed that NOTHING is selling around here anymore? Not just around here, but used audio in general is taking a big hit and there is a ton of merchandise that is for sale that never even gets a response.

I have put several items up for sale at very aggressive pricing and have had little or no replies from buyers. Sure the views are high, lots of lookers but all of the buyers have just disappeared. Am I imagining this or are others observing the same things?

It pains me to put forth my dismal hypothesis.

The high end is in the throes of dying. We see it in the decline and failure of the magazines, the slowing of exciting new product introductions, and now a slowing of even the used market. More manufacturers and retailers will soon fail. I hope I'm wrong, but I sense this is not a cyclical slowdown but an end game we are witnessing. It will take a long time, but the best days are behind us.
I think its just the time of year. When the summer begins sales go down. It seems to happen every year at this time.