Is Acoustic Zen better than Harmonic Tech?

How many people have directly compared these two companys, either in speaker cables, power cords or interconnects.
I recently bought some HT pro 9 biwire speaker cable. I also wanted to add a new power cord to my new Sims Titan 5 channel amp and initially wanted to use the new Fantasy PC from HT. Then I started seeing some reviews about acoustic zen and started questioning the universe (or at least my previous speaker cable choice). Does anyone out there have any knowledge that could help me? Thanks for any help you can give me.
Acoustic Zen is WAY better in my system at least for interconnects. I haven't tried the speaker cables yet, but I will be sometime soon. I have tried the HT Truthlinks, HT Pro Silways, AZ WOWs, AZ Matrix reference and AZ Silver Reference. As Ejlif said the Acoustic Zen were hands down winners.
In Canada Sim Audio distribute HT cables and Dynaudio speakers. This would lead me to believe that they have probably used each of these products while voicing their equipment. …Didn’t they use these various components in their display at the most recent CES? …If yes, then one might then also assume a certain synergy. While this is only idle speculation its worth looking into. Why not give Sim Audio a call? (450)449-2212

Personally I use Silversmith cabling with Sim audio products, and prefer it over both HT & AZ. - But that's just me.

Lastly, what do you mean which is best, better or whatever? There are no absolutes, and even if there were who really cares!? …What matters is which sounds best in your system – Right?

OK Mike. Which will sound better in my system? I have a B&K ref 30 preamp, with custom made speakers that are considered proac clones.

No one - not even Sim can tell you which will sound better in your system. Sim can only tell you whether or not they use HT in their engineering/evaluation processes.

Your room, quality of AC, speakers, & source will greatly influence which cable(s) sound best in your system ...No one here on Audiogon (or anywhere else for that matter) can give you the answer. You'll simply have to test to know for sure. The point with questioning Sim should help you to make your short list.
Tennispro- Mike is right that it is good to test them in your own system. If you aren't going to get both then I'd say get Acoustic Zen. I have owned the full Silversmith set that Mike thinks is better than both HT and AZ and I think the Silversmith stuff is horrible, terribly overpriced and extremely unbalanced sounding (in my system)