The Cable Company - Wow

As someone who's been buying cable in the dark for years, I'm positively blown away with the Cable Company.

I purchased some Cardas Hexlink speaker cables through "" (part of Cable Co.). If I bought them used from a private party, I'd be stuck - since they're definitely forgeries.

But since I bought through these guys, they sent me a whole box of cables (another pair of Cardas, Purist Audio, Goertz, Transparent Audio, Oval 9's). Paying only for the freight I was able to demo thousands of dollars worth of already burnt in cables to know what was right for me.

And yes, the new Hexlinks were night and day better than the suspected forgeries. But maybe just as importantly, the expertise you get from them is amazing. Tell them about your system, and what you're looking to achieve, and these guys really narrow down all the options to more of what you want and can afford.

All the cables sent to me were different, but on the money in terms of what I was looking for, and I could live with any of them.

I'm so impressed and amazed with them I've got to say auditioning or buying new or used cable through anyone else would be doing myself a disservice. There's absolutely no reason to buy cable by shooting in the dark anymore (as I've been doing for years).

Use these guys and take the risk out of the process.
they have a huge owner data base were guys like us with diff componants tryed and liked or hated it,so when you call and say i want xxx for aaa they look up and say qqqsaid it sounded good and they send it..what a job sit at home on pc calls come in and you sale it
So Bbaxley2,

Are you pissed because they do it well or because you didn't think of it first? As for me, where do I apply?!? If it is anything like you describe it sounds like the best of American entrepreneurial spirit at work. :)
I'm still wondering why after speaking to them and giving them all the information they requested it's been 2 weeks since they told me they would get back to me.

Business is either booming or I'm dealing with one of the less than spirited employees who doesn't appreciate the dream job they have.
Cable company turnd down my reguest to sell my Silversmith cables to them. They would no even give me a price suggestion. They say the cables was to old. Now Stereophile has tested S. cables and really loved them!! Are the Silversmith silver cables now new hot stuff??
no im not pissed dan ed i think its a great idea the had,you are one of those guys that reads stuff and think the worst,have you ever wrote to stereo magazines and told them you hate them befor you sent them a sound like it