ANTI-CABLES by Paul Speltz: Anyone Using Them?

I find myself intrigued the Speltz speaker-cable option, in part because the prices are like zero when compared to most speaker cables, but I wouldn't mind reading reactions beyond those he includes in his ads and on his web site.

Low-power tube amp to single-driver speakers
Iam using them on my B&W N803s and am very happy with them. I started with single cables then went to Bi-wire setup. Sounds great. I would recomend giving a try. At the price you cant go wrong. Mike.
Yes, I have a 9 foot pair....I braided mine (When you braide them you want the - over top of the + ) and need to keep the cables off the floor too. This really does improve these cables for the better. It does tighten up that bass and adds more air and sparkle in the highs.....
Tin_Cup: I don't understand what you mean about - over +. If they are braided, how is there any difference?

I started using the Speltz a while back and really like them soncially. Extraordinary clarity and lack of grain. A bit lighter in the bottom than my Audience AU24 but I haven't switched back. The longer term problem is the way they look. I'd be willing to pay quite a bit more for this cable if it were pre-spaced or braided and were more flexible (which I suppose would defeat the design).
I have been using the Speltz speaker cables for quite a while now, in my quite resolving system. I run two 10' runs per side (shotgun biwired).

Sure there are better, but at many multiples of the cost of the Speltz. The Speltz have bettered my Audience AU24s, Cardas Golden Reference and PAD Venustas, all great cables, in my system, to my ears. There is no lack of highs, transient response, dynamics or bass slam.

I have since covered them in a fiberglass cloth (1/4" from Michael Percy, keeping the high/midrange run separate from the bass run) and re-terminated them with Cardas rhodium spades, using WBT solder. Before I covered the wires in the fiberglass, I wrapped a short piece of electrical tape around the + and - wire of every run, every foot. This reduced the gap between wires which in turn reduced impedance, thus maintaining the integrity of the highs, transient response, dynamics and bass slam that the cables are capable of.

Aside from that, they now look great, sound great, and are very pliable.

I highly recommend the cables, and for the price, they are a bonifide steal.
The best buy in audio in my opinion. They bested my Audience AU-24, which floored me. Highly recommended!