Neutral powercords

I'm looking for powercords that are neutral.
With or without shielding.
Do you guys have some options?
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Thanks for the link Rene, i must have missed that one.
I have the PS Audio Lab Cable= full bodied and a little dark.
I alsoo have a VOODOO Mana, but this cable is to short.
Anyone experience with VOODOO?
I now have EMM gear and i want to replace the Kimber PK14.This cable is supplied with the EMM gear.
From what i know is this a neutral cable. Correct?
So i want a better cable, if i can find one.
Thank you for your reactions till now.
I will make for myself a list of cables that i should try.

really like the audience powercord.....have compared them to shunyata, cardas, and others... very reasonabley priced too..
Ridge Street Audio - sonically right down the middle

DCCA - lets the music through like no other cord I've heard; even more transparent than the Electraglide, but make sure you tell Don the orientation of your component, as he will make the cord to measure. This is crucial, as they are much stiffer and heavier than most other PC's.
Helo Bernhardknoop,

I would recommend checking out the Nordost Valhalla P.C.'s.
The most neutral IMO that I've heard thus far.

Good luck,