Suggestions for bang for your buck speaker cables

I don't think my speltz anticables are getting the job done connected to my Definitive Technology speakers. The 14" powered subs of these speakers are not moving as much air as I know they are capable of and the highs are somewhat rolled off. One problem I have is that I don't want to spend thousands on speaker cables for my long runs of 18ft. If I go with the usual cable suspects (Wireworld, Cardas, JPS) in long runs it will cost a lot of money. That's the reason I've gone with less expensive wire like Tara Labs Omni, Analysis Plus OVal 9's, Signalcable and now the anticables. (I may even try Signalcables again). Can any of you recommend a good copper cable that's a bang for your bucker. I've read good things about these lesser expensive brands: MAS, LAT, and Reality Cables; some have said home depot wire. Needing 18ft. runs I'm looking for cables that deliver solid low end, (help fill in a lean speaker) but don't roll off the highs and offer palpable midrange but won't cost near $1k or more. Any suggestions from your experience? Thanks
Don't laugh, but recently Absolute Sound did a speaker cable shootout. One of the entries was a pair of cables homemade from 10 gauge extension cord from Home Depot. It did extremely well. It's a lot cheaper than commercial stuff, and pretty cheap to try out.
The Home Depot wire was actually 14 gauge outdoor extension cord rather than 10 gauge and was reviewed by Paul Seydor of TAS. It will cost you next to nothing to try it. I use an entire cable (3 conductors) in the forward/+/"red" direction (i.e., from amp to speaker) and a second cable in the reverse/-/"black" direction. I terminate them with the thickest gold spades I can find at Radio Shack (their house brand). Mine have replaced a variety of $500+ cables and pretty much slaughtered some $1200 ones in a friend's system. If you like the way it sounds, you can then invest in some black "Techflex" to cover the garish (orange with black stripe) Home Depot stuff. Good luck, Dave

PS If you're not rolling your eyes at this point, you might try running the "+" cable in direction of the embossed lettering on the cable jacket, and the "-" link in the opposite direction. Believe it or not, this stuff does seem to be directional.
12AWG CL-3 rated OFC installation cable to the woofers (it's really cheap).
Whatever you are currently using to the mid/tweet.
AlphaCore Goertz MI-2 Veracity cables are excellent copper cables for the cost. They should be within your budget.
I am currently using HOME DEPOT cables. The minimum is to try them out. Just pick out the cables an twist them together about 2 twists per inch and then sit down and demo them. You can break them in by using them in a electrical curcuit first if you prefer, for instance using them with a lightbulb or some sort of resistor. I have used the #6, #10 and #16 gauge depending on run length and multiple twists. For instance on the #16 I used 4 wires braided much like a hair braid. It was fun but also inexpensive to try, and it worked for me. I only have 20 watts a channel though.