Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????

Why aren't these cables more widely used by us audiophiles....??? I've been auditioning these interconnects sent to me from a dealer and these are good.....My other cables on the short list to listen to are the Synergistic Absolute Reference X2's, Purist Audio Dominus....they are sweet, coherent, detailed and not popular.....I don't get it !!! Am I missing something ????? Are they just the flavor of the month cable ????
Agree with John, these cables are the real deal and are not as much a secret as you'd think. I've just finished wiring virtually all of my system with Emotion ICs, PCs and speaker cable (only the outboard phono stage to go) and can only say that it's a pleasure to listen to music through this system--these cables let you forget about the equipment and get caught up in the music. I'm a little surprised at John saying that the bass textures with Dominus are better, as that's one of the (many) strong points about the Emotion line of cabling, I'm hearing far better bass weight, definition and textures now than I did in the past. Part of it could be I have a biamped system with an active crossover that enables me to boost the bass below 220 hz; and part could be that the Dominus is just that good too. Obviously, auditioning these and other cables in your system is a must, but these cables are in the top class of what I've heard out there and in my system, and they have pushed all the right buttons for me.
Lots of hype. Nice product but no better than a handful of similarly priced products. We heard the same crap when the HT Cyberlights, Cerious ceramic, and any PAD new releases are announced. All are for sale at low prices now that "the thrill is gone". Ignore the hype; it eventually dies down.
I recently auditioned the Emotion speaker cables in my system and thought they were very good cables. Although in my mostly tubed system they were too warm and dark sounding to better my Valhalla's. The emotion just seemed too closed in on the top for me and the bass fuller sounding than I prefer. I then compared to the Audio Magic Clairvoyant 4D speaker cables. In my system these provided some of the warmth and body to images that the Emotion does but without sounding restricted on top and too full in bass. The bass was slightly deeper than Valhalla but just as tight. The only thing that neither the could get close to Valhalla was the ulitmate transparency and air around images. In the end I changed my reference from Valhalla to the Clairvoyants due to the strengths of the Clairvoyants in my system. I could see though in another system one could prefer the Emotion cables.
Unfortunately Judge Judy has done it again to provide a response of zero value. I do not understand why such people post in these forums when all we get is a quick bashing. Quite honestly, this kind of 'contribution' to these forums gets old fast when a number of us are here to learn from the experiences of others.

The same thing with Judy continues on over and over and over with B&W speakers. Yes Judy, we know you have negative issues with products. What we do not know is what products you like. Without this knowledge, your comments here do nothing more than prove that you have nothing better to do than complain a lot. Is this really what this hobby is all about?

"Lots of hype."

Hype? From whom? This product has had a handful of discussions here, but hardly much if anything at all from the magazines .... and not at all the coverage like many other cables. So this claim of hype is, to use one of Judy's words, crap.

"Nice product but no better than a handful of similarly priced products."

We are not talking 'better'. This is not the point. There is no such thing as 'best' or 'better' in an overall cable standing. And yes, contrary to Judy's ignorance on the subject here, the K-S Emotion has some strenghts like no other cable I have tried in my system; and some of these cost significantly more. I have tried a lot of cables.....all described on A'gon posts over the years.

I stand by my comments above. There are real differences in a highly resolving system and we all owe it to ourself to try as many of these as we can and determine what works best for us.
