I believe the thread that Lak refers to is
My house was the first of three places where this power cable shootout occured. All three of us were mightily impressed with the Epiphany X but it was really the Kubala-Sosna Emotion that was the overall winner.
The retail price of the Epiphany X is simply ridiculous. Come on, $6k for a power cable? Isn't $1k already crazy enough?
Over the last few months, Jadem6 and I have tried various Purist Dominus PCs in our systems. These exceed the K-S Emotion in terms of dynamics, low-end extension and textures; this is not subtle. The Epiphany X did not excel over the K-S in any of these ways. Only a little more detail on the top was where the Ephipany X excelled. I could see how too much of this would be overpowering. This is not the case with a system fully loaded with the K-S.
So before you go off and pay these ridiculous Epiphany X prices, try a Dominus. It has a typial used market price in the $800-900 range. It will handily destroy the standard Epiphany and X. The Dominus-B tends to be more rich in the mids and soft on the top. The Dominus-C has more life on the top being more like the K-S Emotion. I strongly suggest you also try the K-S Emotion as it is the most tonally neutral cable in the business that I have yet tried.