Kimber Cable Monocle XL Speaker Wire?

Has Anyone auditioned these cables? What are your impressions in term of tonality, neutrality and detail?
Sirlee, I compared bifocals to Cardas Golden Cross, Golden Ref., Nirvana, MIT, Goertz MI-2, Alon Black Orpheus, Synergistic Resolution Ref and Designer Ref. , Ridgestreet Poiema. I prefer the Synergistics.
Actually, cable will sound different in each system you try it with, so the only way to tell what works for you is to try it in YOUR system.
I use the Kimber Bi Focal XL speaker cables in my system. They are ``natural`` sounding. The tone and detail of the cable sounds like live music with no colorations like some cables. Details are there but not harsh sounding....very well...neutral or natural. Best way to try these cables or others is in your own system.

happy listening