XLR-RCA adapters - which to choose?

I need an RCA male to XLR male adapter because my SACD player doesn't have balanced outputs and I don't want to reterminate my (expensive) Nirvana S-X Ltd interconnects! Does anyone have a view on who makes the best and/or best value adapters? I have been considering Purist Audio Design (expensive) and Cardas (less expensive). Is there much differnce between them and are ther others I should look at? Thanks
I had the same problem, thinking about re-terminating my Cardas Hexlink Golden 5C's on one end, to try another preamp.
So I called Audio Advisor and ordered a pair of Cardas female XLR to female RCA's,
very high quality and I received them today, for just over $50.00 shipped in 2 days !
Personally, I don't think you will hear a difference between the two you mentioned, unless you buy a pair of el-cheapos from a local music store, but who knows ?
I once needed these adapters in a hurry, so I bought, as Rx8man says, a pair of el cheapos from a local music store. Later on I got a set from Cardas. The Cardas are very well made, but I never heard any difference.
I have not owned or listened to the Purest Audio Design adapters, but I have owned the Cardas adapters for about a year. It became necessary to insert XLR to RCA adapters in my system because of the preamp I had chosen. All I can tell you is that they DO effect the sound. Sonically, there is a slight 'darkening' of the sound when they are inserted into my system. As mentioned above, they are very well built. (My system has a CD player with both RCA and XLR outputs with a volume control as well. This allows me to A/B the interconnect with and without the adapters in place.)