Power cord for tubed cdp

Does anyone have any experience w.PC's for a tubed cdp.The goal is more detail/resolution. I'm also looking for neutality, ie no emphasis or attenuation of frequency ranges, a cord that WILL NOT destroy the beauty of the tube sound. Any feedback would be appreciated,Tubey
I've had great results with a Ridge Street Audio Poiema III on the tubes' power supply for my Modwright 9000ES cdp. I also have one on my Modwright tubed preamp. I feel that the PIII will meet your requirements.
I use the Nordost El Dorado on my Cary 303/300 with Siemens 12AU7s. VERY detailed.
I would agree with the Ridge Street Audio recommendation. I use the Poiema III Signature power cord on my tubed preamp and it is superb. It is neutral, balanced across the frequency spectrum and very authoritative.
I tested a bunch of PCs about 3 years ago on my Granite Tube CDP Model 657. I liked the Walker Audio Omega Mikro Planar more than anything else I tried (which included Elrod (which I use on my amp), VD Nite, Stealth M-21, Genghis Khan and a few others). Incidently ... I have an Omega Mikro for sale on a-gon right now (I am keeping one for my 657).

As for the Ridge Street, I haven't tried their PCs, but I'm very happy with their ICs (just ordered a new set of PIII sigs). I'm sure the PC is a winner too.

Also, I found both Larry Walker and Robert of RS to be a pleasure to do business with.

Good luck,