Placebo effect is true for any product as it is an affect on the mind induced by apperence or preception other examples
the magic Q-Ring bracelet that is marketed to treat chronic pain via magents?? no clincal evendice above chance that it helps pain in controled studies
Another good example was the cheese wiz test a fancy french restruant displayed cheeze wiz on fancy french crakers on a silver tray the gourmet cheezs and cracker were displayed on paper plates more than 60% people thought the cheeze wiz was better vs 10% when they know what it was.
It is a real thing and sales teams use it to have us buy what there selling. "Buyer be ware " is a golden rule for a reason -fendergibs
Placebo effect is true for any product as it is an affect on the mind induced by apperence or preception other examples
the magic Q-Ring bracelet that is marketed to treat chronic pain via magents?? no clincal evendice above chance that it helps pain in controled studies
Another good example was the cheese wiz test a fancy french restruant displayed cheeze wiz on fancy french crakers on a silver tray the gourmet cheezs and cracker were displayed on paper plates more than 60% people thought the cheeze wiz was better vs 10% when they know what it was.
It is a real thing and sales teams use it to have us buy what there selling. "Buyer be ware " is a golden rule for a reason -fendergibs