what digital cables for my dac?

I have a cheap sony player hooked up to a monarchy dip,and into a mccormack Dac-1 with the $400.mod and nordost blue heaven interconnects to my Audio refinement Complete amp and nordost blue heaven speaker wire into my Martin Logan Aerius speakers. Yes I know I need a better and stronger amp,but for now please I need some input on digital wire going from my monarchy to my dac currently I am using $75 Kimber wire,What is good for $200 max,at 1/2meter? Tara,Nordost,kimber,mapleshades,crystalcable? Thanks for the input,Nick
Tplavas, I appreciate the reference to Mr. Lavry's article and I shall certainly follow it up. Thank you.

I would just like to point out that "believing" is not the appropriate word in my case. If I understand the word "belief" correctly, it can be used to refer to something that one has not witnessed with his own senses, but has heard reported.

I do not base my statement that a longer cable may be better on articles that I have read. I made up two cables identical in all but length and listened to them with a friend, on our two systems. That makes just four trials, or two comparisons, in my experience.

With our gear, in our rooms, and with those cables, the difference was very clear, so I can say from experience, not from belief, that in these trials longer was preferable. I recommend that anyone who has not heard such a difference base his or her final conclusion on experience too. I only mention my own to encourage others to try it--not to encourage others to spread the word on something they haven't heard. It has the advantage of being a relatively inexpensive improvement; that is, if it works for you.

I have also heard at least one much better system than my own which nonetheless uses a 1-meter digital interconnect. Perhaps the owner would be happier if he tried a longer cable, I don't know. He is certainly happy now.
Tobias, sorry, I think you're over-thinking my use of the word 'belief'. In this case, it was used in it's broader sense to mean something a person accepts as truth, regardless of source or experience. You believe it because you've experienced it, which is the preferred way IMO. I also believe shorter to be better because I've experienced it. Which really leaves us nowhere, (as usual in this hobby).
I was mainly trying to rebutt the 'technical' support for the longer-is-better argument. Not because I need to be right, but because I want people to trust their ears on a case-by-case basis, and not defer to anyone's 'technical' expertise.
Also, your friend with the 1 meter digital cable could 'swing either way' as it were, and go up or down a 1/2 meter for greater satisfaction.
Who knows? ;)
I have been very happy with Tara labs rsc digital 75,I used kimber before and thus cable is a lot better.
Apogee WydeEye is sounding great with my DAC - I beleive it to be a bargain perhaps because it is a "professional" product - available primarily from music studio places as opposed to high end places - about 40-50 bucks. some people cannot get themselves to hook up something this cheap to the rest of their audio jewelry collection - but not me.