Best balanced signal cable

Hello Guys,

I need to buy a 3 meter (10ft) blanced signal cables to connect my Pass Labs X1 preamp to my monos Parasound Halos JC1s
My speakers are the Thiel 2.4 , but I don't want to spend lotsa money
Which cable do you suggest?
Blue Jean Cable sells decent balanced IC's at a decent price, will make the cable to a length you specify, and ship quickly. These work fine for me but I am not one who finds a lot of difference between IC's so long as quality wire and connectors are used. BJC's web site provides info as to their wire and connectors.
Visit Virtual Dynamics website, they have a great line of products and trade up policy
I found a bargain with MIT's EXP Proline series (not sure of exact model). I'm also not one who hears much difference in quality ICs so after experimenting with some fairly high priced cables I got a deal on the MITs and have been happy with them. Nice build quality and the packaging for mine says "Made in USA."
What's your budget? PS Audio Transcedent Silver is outstanding- warm, full bodied, fast and extended