Which cable is most important to spend money on...

Speaker cable, source interconnect or power cords?

I'm trying to figure out which tends to be the most important to upgrade for a high-end system. I know, I know, ideally all of them. But in which order?

Well, I think, the opinions are different, but from my experience:
1. Speaker Cable
The amps have to contol the chassis, I think, here you will hear the most.
2. Tonarm Cable
Arm to Phono Preamp
3. Sources to Preamp
4. Preamp to Amp

Happy Listening
the HDTV option (usually about $5-8.00 per month) with your local CABLE company!
I've found that power cords are the most important. If you can't get good power to your components it won't matter how much you spend on interconnects and speaker cables.
Power cords. As I've found recently, every other change/upgrade you make is affected by your choice of AC components. Dedicated lines first, if possible, and then power cables, interconnects, speaker cables.
I'd also avoid committing alot of money to power conditioners early on, as they usually make hearing component differences even more difficult. A simple, but fairly transparent device like a Balanced Power Tech CPC, or Shunyata Hydra would be my choice.