A pet peeve perhaps, and Sugar touched on it: "has it ever been serviced"? I personally think that when a component has been sent back to the manufacturer for some problem, they check it out thoroughly so it doesn't come back to "bite them in the ass" . At least that's been my experience with Sony, Sonic Frontiers, McCormack, and Syn. Res.
Most frustrating deal was the 6 weeks of about 40 emails to FINALLY satisfy a nervous buyers needs. We talked about shipping alone for 2 weeks, but in the end it FINALLY went OK. But blood type?-- I'd rip out and bury my hard drive if I got that one. Cheers. Craig
Most frustrating deal was the 6 weeks of about 40 emails to FINALLY satisfy a nervous buyers needs. We talked about shipping alone for 2 weeks, but in the end it FINALLY went OK. But blood type?-- I'd rip out and bury my hard drive if I got that one. Cheers. Craig