711smilin, Please let us know how you like the Tesla Apex, Tesla Absolute Reference and Quattro in your system! Thanks.
Audphile1, I too am trying to be done with it and have been buying lots of CD's lately. I got a huge 600 CD rack from Audio Advisor and it is almost full! I'm glad you are enjoying the PAD cables. I do agree that everybody's system and preferences are different and you MUST audition all cable before you buy. The Synergistic line is just so addicting. I love the Accelerators but Im curious to try Acoustic and Precision reference now. Looks like its demo time again. ;-)
J_evege, The Cable Company is always very busy. Just be patient they will get to you. I visited them on Monday at their New Hope office earlier this week since I live about 45 minutes away. A bunch of great guys and gals that are very enthusiastic about music and equipment. Than I entered the cable room where they keep used and new stock, I nearly fainted ;-) Just kidding. Hee hee hee
Audphile1, I too am trying to be done with it and have been buying lots of CD's lately. I got a huge 600 CD rack from Audio Advisor and it is almost full! I'm glad you are enjoying the PAD cables. I do agree that everybody's system and preferences are different and you MUST audition all cable before you buy. The Synergistic line is just so addicting. I love the Accelerators but Im curious to try Acoustic and Precision reference now. Looks like its demo time again. ;-)
J_evege, The Cable Company is always very busy. Just be patient they will get to you. I visited them on Monday at their New Hope office earlier this week since I live about 45 minutes away. A bunch of great guys and gals that are very enthusiastic about music and equipment. Than I entered the cable room where they keep used and new stock, I nearly fainted ;-) Just kidding. Hee hee hee