Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
My Powercell 10 arrived yesterday, and although a couple of issues arose Eliott, Michael and company (inc my dealer) were exemplary throughout. So..I have the 10 outlet version that has one powercord (T3 UHC) and 2 MPC's, one to power the cord, one plugged directly into a miniplug on the Powercell rear, next to the IEC inlet. I have that one plugged into the wall and the T3's MPC plugged into the Powercell (I need the other 9 outlets for my stuff).

One small bit of layout criticism that I shared with Eliott: I am eval'ing this conditioner against my current Audience Adept Response AR12. That box has it's outlets turned upside down (with ground plug up) and it easily accomodates wall warts in their correct polarity; they simply stick out the top, but allow for regular plugs in the duplex below them. The Powercell, OTOH, has normally positioned outlets which create a problem for MPC's and other wall warts. They either take up two outlets or they require the Powercell to be lifted off the shelf/surface to have enough clearance from the bottom outlet to the shelf/surface. I recommended either taller feet or doing the upside down thing. Eliott was very open to the feedback, as ever. long should I let this thing settle in before critical listening? SR says 3 days, yet Ted earlier told me a t3 would take a minimum of a week. My dealer is being flexible but needs realistic timeframes.

My non-critical (yeah right) listening last night showed a conditioner that created a dead quiet space, with very more detail than I've heard previously, but a slightly rounded off bottom end. The Powercel had all of 3 hrs on it.

Your PowerCell will take approx 72 hours to fully open up while your T3 UHC will take at least twice this time. As to plugging in MPC's to the back of the PowerCell, we have 2 new affordable line conditioners that work in conjunction with the PowerCell especially for MPC's and front end components called the QL6 and QL9 (Quantum Line-Strip 6 and 9). These are simple but powerful little line conditioners with either 6 or 9 outlets. When used with MPC's they significantly improve the sound of Active Shielding when used alone, or when plugged into the back of the PowerCell for greater performance; effectively expanding your connectivity from 10 outlets to 16/19 outlets with no current limiting for your remaining 9 PowerCell outlets.

As to the bottom end, wait a week and you'll hear extension, dynamics and low freq control that will surprise you.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney Lead Designer Synergistic Research Inc.
I have been waiting to hear from others before I try the Powercell and Enigma. Thanks for the reviews. Keep them coming.

I have a question: I have tried the T3 and the Precision AC power cords on my power regenerator. The best cord was the Precision AC. Has anyone compared these cables? And also the T3 UHO?

Ted_d, is the Precision AC recommended for power conditioners as well? It worked better over the T3 in my system. Also, is the T3 UHO an improvement over the regular T3 on power conditioners? I didnt really like the T3 on my power conditioner. It was fatiguing and was restrictive...especially in the highs. But I really like how the Precision AC sounds on my power conditioner it is much more extended and open. I assume it is a bigger AWG cable as well. Thanks.
Ted D,
Thanks. In our conversation from a few weeks ago you mentioned the QLS's (among other things...wink). My only issue was in the instance where you didn't need more than 10 outlets, just more room.

I'm very much looking forward to this Powercell opening up. Based on my purchases of the Accelerator IC's and SC's I don't doubt it one minute. :) Thanks again for the great customer service.
I'm demoing (about 30 hours)one pair of the balanced Tesla's Accelerators(Sn. TAC IC 0334 - not sure if quantum tunneling is applied on these? can anyone tell?) in my system and I'm very impressed with the resolution and dynamics, but these cables sounds pretty harsh in the highs and upper mids, and somewhat on the cold side compared with the Nordost Frey...system mis-match or something else? :-(

Any thoughts would be much apreciated!:-)