Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
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To get back on track. I got my third set of MIGs. If you recall I wasn't sure on putting a set on the amp. It sits on an SRA Ohio Class XL-squared stand and SRA is in the camp that footers with their stands might hurt more than help.

Well I'm glad I didn't listen. I put the third set under the amp on the stand, in the pin-point orientation. All others are in the other orientation.

Wow. It really brought things together. Tightened up the soundstage a bit more and the depth and holographicness (is that a word?) is beyond phenomenal. My system has never dreamed of sounding this good! And I'm still on cheap audioquest speaker cables!

Ted... can you tell us when the downloads for the master file project will be available?

Adwiegert, I have been experimenting with MIGs under my amp also. What really shocked me in the SR demonstrations at CES was their using them on the StillPoints rack. I was surprised that there would be further improvement on that rack, but there certainly was.

My amp was already on a StillPoints component stand, so I could not use the MIGs on this four amp stand. I put a glass shelf from my Mana stands on the component stand and added MIGs in the pin point configuration. With the MIGs was somewhat better. I decided to just use Mana stands including the same glass shelf and with the MIGs on top. Initially I thought this was about the same. But I was forgetting about the time it takes for the MIGs to settle down.

The next morning the Mana stand with MIGs was clearly better, but I had to go back to the component stand and let the MIGs settle down. By that evening it was quite clear that the StillPoints component stand with MIGs was clearly better.

One final development. I had never tried the ambient setting of the MIGs. All other MIGs were also in ambient setting. In my system at least, the ambient setting on the StillPoints stand was best. I did briefly try it on the Mana stand, but the sound stage just was as involving and real.

I have no real idea why everything in ambient works best, but for the time being I just going to listen to music.
Regarding the Powercell 10 SE, when putting mpc's in the bottom outlets, how much will the powercell 10SE need to be lifted for the mpc's to fit tale down with some clearance on shelf? Would the miggs lift the unit high enough???

Regards Bacardi