Best inexpensive interconnect/speaker cables?

I'm looking for inexpensive interconnect and speaker cables to use with Cambridge Audio integrated amp and CD player. Also, will connect DVD and TV to amp for two channle audio.
Any suggestions? Thank you.
I recently bought some Zu Cable, the Oxyfuel interconect.
I really like it; neutral, detailed, fast and airy.

Along with their website, they have an Ebay store, where all is sold on auction. You can get some phenomenal deals there.

If I am not mistaken, the four guys that started the company are ex-Kimber employees.

I believe there is some talk of these cables at Audio Asylum.
I agree with Dlanselm. Higher end Linn gear is perhaps guilty of being outrageously priced (like much in the audio world) but their cables are some of the best deals on the market. If you can't afford Silvers, which are around $160 used (never buy them new), then Rockvirgo's suggestion of Linn black interconnects is a very good one.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I have spent over a week surfing through the different cable sites including Blue Jeans Cables, Homegrown, Speltz, Better Cables, Zu Audio, Audio Art, Anti Cable, etc. I may be more confued now then when I started out. Anyway, I kind of like Zu Audio although Linn has been favorably recommended. I remember years ago using the Linn speaker cable (grey) and thought it was a great cable.

Thanks again.