"Great RCA interconnects under $100?"

Is it possible to get really good sound from a $100 or less interconnect? I have worked with some very good cables from Acoustic Zen and Harmonic Technology. I now want to experiment with the other end of the price spectrum. Would like to hear your opinions on these or any other cables that list for $100 or less NEW. No cheating by saying you can buy it used for under $100, OK?
Here is my short list of $100 or less interconnects: Signal Cable Analog Two, DH Labs BL I, Better Cables Silver Serpent, Audio Art IC-3, VooDoo Opus 1, Fro-Zen Stellar Labs, Harmonic Technology Harmony Link, Analysis Plus Oval One.
You've got to try the anti-cables by Paul Speltz. Unbelievable. And cheap. You can get them through Audiogon too.
If anyone can get Great RCA interconnects for $100, why would someone ever pay more.

No, is the answer.
I use Monster IR Ref. II for all my interconnects except for the XLR. This is with Krell equipment. I have tried others at 5 times the $ and alwasy went back to the Monster.
They work perfect fo me @ $90 per 1-meter length.
Good luck, John
If anyone can get Great RCA interconnects for $100, why would someone ever pay more.

No, is the answer.

You can get filtered water from your tap (assuming you have a simple filtration system), yet some folks are happy to pay several dollars for a glass of branded, marketed designer water (with or without bubbles). You can buy a pair of Levis at Costco for around $24, or find a pair of jeans with some designers stamp of approval on them for several hundred. Why people are willing to pay more is a far more complex answer than you are suggesting it might be.

As far as your further response to the question asked; I'd disagree to any such blanket response. It is entirely subjective, not to mention system and synergy dependent. You may get a hundred different suggestions, but the best advice I can imagine is just to try them out yourself in the application(s) you are wanting to use them in. A difference someone else claims to be able to hear, may be one that leaves you scratching your head wondering if you need better Q-tips. Either buy used and resell, or try the Cable Company's lending program. The answer to your question is entirely up to you.
