Does the"quality" of jumpers affect the sound?

I'm presently using Reality Cables and for the first time I'm using jumpers on my Tyler Sigs.
I had a run of Kimber 4TC from a previous system lying around which I took to a local audio store and had jumpers made.
Would a "better" jumper cable equate to better sound?
Clio09 is correct. The Spendor 1/2 has two tweeters, as does the Harbeth Super HL5.

My last post did not seem to get through, or maybe the system is slow so I apologize in advance if this is a duplicate. The data I provided comes from the Spendor spec sheet. You can also see the specs here:
Clio, in that case, you would want identical cables ideally or at the very least, two cables from within one line that are very similar.

Your crossover point occurs in the critical midrange where our ears are most sensitive. The last thing you want is to have a change in character where the tweeter hands off to the midrange. Identical cables will insure continuity in this critical region.

I was afraid you would say that, but so far I'm enjoying the experiment and the sound. I'll try a set of identical cables from the same manufacturer and see what happens.