Ever hear a power cable make a huge difference?

I just had to share this. I went to synergistic research the other day to get some cables re-terminated. I saw some power cords on the floor and decided to ask about them. Ted, said they were all prototypes, would I like to listen. He brought me into the demo room and played some great music. He switched out the preamp power cord for one of the prototypes and man was it noticably better. Then, he left and came back into the room with a big smile on his face. He pulled a cable from the back that I swear was just recently built. He confirmed that no one had listened to it yet. He put the new power cable on the preamp and...................NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! It was unbelieveable what a difference I heard. I could not believe how much bigger the sound stage grew, better focus, detail, and faster tighter bass. I had him switch the PC in and out because I just could not believe what I heard. Then he said "lets make it better." He brought it to his Tesla machine and gave it a quantum tunneling. He put it back in the system and to my surprise it was un believably better then what I had just heard. It now made the whole system easily sound 3 times as good. I just could not believe my ears. Then I had to know, how much could I get this cable for. I would think at least $2000 if not $3000. Nope, this will probably go for $500. Well Ted, sign me up for a few of those bad boys.
No Bill. Yes, there is a resemblance to the Electraglide cords, but it all ends there. No ties or affiliation whatsoever with Electraglide. I also was initially sceptical. Totally new company. I also didn't want any more dealings with Electraglide. The owner of Fusion Audio is a former dealer for Electraglide, but had bad dealings with Scott Hall so they parted ways. This parting of ways is the catalyst that caused them to decide to start a new cable company and make a power cord line that was both superior in construction and quality, but vastly superior in sound quality. In my opinion, they have succeeded with those goals. The introductory pricing is only temporary in order to get enough cords in systems for the owners to hear how good they are and spread the word of their superiority. Eventually, the company hopes to build up a dealership network where the retail pricing will go into effect. I had a talk with Kirk last night and they plan on going to some trade shows soon to have their cords in some of the room systems. The new owner, Eric Love, is a very honest man, in my opinion. He has developed a new power cord line that will be a breath of fresh air for many systems. And Bill, no I am not a shill. I know you're thinking that so let's get the record straight up front. I was one of the first to try out these cables. I did have to pay for them and if I didn't think they were the best there is, Fusion Audio has a 30 day return policy. Did Electraglide offer that?
Bill(Audiofeil), I apologize for implying that you might consider me a shill. I guess I'm a little paranoid about this as a shill is the last thing that I would want to be labeled. My over-enthusiasm got the best of me. I also apologize for semi-high-jacking this thread. The original poster's enthusiasm for his new Synergistic power cord brought out my enthusiam as well for my new cords as well. Synergistic Research is a well established company with a very good product line.
Yes. I was very,very impressed when I used one of MIT's top power cords with my ref level preamp; for which I already had excellent conditioning and isolation. Those last few feet can be an exceptionally worthwhile investment for those with a high quality system. Newbies or skeptics, please don't consider this a mere opinion-it's an essential truth- and one that may provide you "much" greater detail, dynamics and musicality from your present set up, enough to satisfy your upgrade bug(which I have found is usually stimulated by exactly the things a power cord can improve). By all means experiment at the very least.
I use the Fusion Audio cables as well, and folks, these are no Electraglides. I had EGs in my system, and without a ground connection, and with the subpar connectors, they caused havoc in my system. The Impulse and Enchanter have top notch build quality and parts, to go along with the excellent sonic qualities they bestow on some of my gear. I took advanatage of the 30 day audition policy, and after the Fusion bettered a Purist Dominus, VD Master and an Althias(sp?) to my ears, they are serious competition in this price range. Heavy discount? No, not really. Introductory pricing....absolutely and highly worth a try, imo!
A better comparison for price and performance would be to the Dream State power cord line. Even at full retail the Fusion Audio power cords are priced roughly half of the Dream State cords and in my opinion the Fusion cords are a more musical and neutral power cord than the Dream State.

Please enlighten us with the gear used to evaluate (compare) the Dream State with the Fusion. And which Dream State model was used for this evaluation? There is a middle-tier of Dream State models that are in line with the Fusion retail pricing.

What do you mean by musical? Please describe details not simply brush strokes.

And how can you conclude one cable is more neutral than the other? The minute someone claims neutrality, all sorts of sirens go off. Perhaps the Fusion only counter-balances some tonality flaws (lack of tonal coherency) in your system? .... and the Dream State brings out such flaws? This is what many people regularly refer to as synergy but is often only one band-aid on top of another.

There's always much coverage about tonality and the over-used term, soundstage. How did the two power cables compare with dynamic contrasts, low-level detail, piano decays and harmonic overtones, clarity of percussion, cymbals, etc?

As for Electraglide Epiphany (X) cables, I have a few of these and they work very well on solid-state digital gear and surprisingly well on the SoundLabs speakers. But they are totally incompatible with PLCs, tubed DACs, preamps and amps made by Manley, Aesthetix, CAT. With such components the lower half of the frequency spectrum is dramatically diminished. For $300-500, they are now a pretty good value in their limited use .... but their original claimed retail price of $6000-7000 was laughable.