What is a $500- $700 power cord for subwoofer

Looking to bring out more hard hitting low end power.

What power cords brought more depth and powerful bass extension to your subwoofer?

I'm looking for power cords for a HSU vtf2 mk2 and earthquake supernova mkIV subwoofers.

I'm currently using the stock power cords. Closer to $500 is better.

Here's another option 3' MAC HC Sound Pipe. I'm using one of these with my James EMB-1000 sub with positive results. Got mine pretty cheap through one of the auctions.
Take that money and invest in subwoofer EQ, velodyne SMS-1, Onix RDES etc... That would do FAR more than ANY power cord upgrade.

Good Luck.
I like Shunyata Taipan, if you can find one used. Or even the lesser line is outstanding.
agree with everyone who is telling you to put your money in a better sub --I would rather have a 100 vd pwr cord on a jl audio fathom113 than a 700 pwr cord on a lesser sub--I was trying to hint at that by giving you some less expensive pwr cords --the bass reproduction from the jl are outstanding --rich?? email me