Oyaide R1 Burn In Time


We I thought I would round out my system so....

I just purchased two R1's. One for my McIntosh MC402 amp and one for my McIntosh C200 and Marantz SA-7S1. Neither of the above would be considered bright sounding.

My speakers Dynaudio Confidence 5's

Power Cords are the Lessloss with the Oyaide C079 connectors.

My system nows sounds bright, thin, lack of mid-bass or warmth. What I am hearing is it burn-in issue or what this outlet sounds like.

It sounds really thin, evening playing tube recordings from the 50's. No soul left to the system.

Thanks for you input!
I have R-1's all over now. I had the opposite experience. My MF Trivista SACD>Placette passive >CJ Bi-amp SS system became warmer and nicer in the HF. There was less bass but it was nicer in character. I still remember my wife and I's first listen. We were both pleasantly surprised. The system became more laid back in character. I also use the Oyaide WPC-Z cover which I have come to believe is very beneficial. Over time there was no noticeable change from first listen. Mine were cryo'd. My P-300 got upgraded(components and outlets) and it was edgy at first and got better with time. About a month I'd say- or 50-100 hours. Good luck. Get a WPC-Z or two even though they cost more than the outlets.

Hello Phillyb, What you're describing is what I ran into during the summer last year. I put the R-1's on a fridge, tv and freezer for about 2 weeks and then installed them in my system. I had three R-1's and was also running the WPC-Z outlet covers. The R-1's were very open sounding and a bit bright initially. The mids and bass were OK, but not up to the Wattgate 381 gold that I'm used to. I had and still have one Isoclean duplex outlet that I use on my sources. I left the R-1's in for about three weeks. At the three week mark, they had become more balanced tonally, but sounded just a bit dull. At this point, I put my Wattgate 381gold outlets in my system--(one for preamp and two for amps) to see what kind of contrast that I had between the two brands of outlets. The Wattgates were clearer, more dynamic and more extended at the frequency extremes. I just left the Wattgates in and sold the Oyaides. It is possible that the Oyaides have a very long breakin. Wattgate 381gold have a 300+ hour breakin, so maybe I didn't give the Oyaides enough of a chance to burn in. Not including the burn in on the fridge, tv and freezer for two weeks, I figure that the Oyaides had about 200 hours on them when I pulled them out. I'm thinking of getting one R-1 to try on my preamp again, but this time I want to leave the Oyaide on my fridge for at least 6 weeks. If you're handy, I'd put them on your fridge and freezer for over a month and try them in your system again then. Running a osscilating fan through your outlets 24/7 would be a big help if you want to leave them in their present position. Just my .02 cents worth.
I agree with Talon4, Gold outlets tend to work with most equipment better. I had the Oyaide swo-xxx and the R1 in my system and tryed to burn each one in for over 2 months running them through a large Air purification unit when not listening to my equipment, but everytime I sat down for a listen I lost that warmth and gained a bright and brittle sound. I ended up with the Oyaide SWO-GX which gave me the body and detail back and lost that hard brittle sound. I had the SWO-GX in my system for a year and could not be happier. I find outlets make a big difference. The only conclusion I can make is if you have a bold and very warm system the R1s will most likely work for you.