Lessloss PC for digital source or power amp?

I just ordered a Lessloss power cord. I am wondering where I will hear the biggest improvement with this PC.

Currently, I have Shunyata Copperhead for the power amp and Diamondback for the digital source. I also have a Shunyata Guardian powerline filter.

I believe that the Lessloss pc on my APL Denon 3910 provides about 60% of the improvement I got when I used it on my Oritek preamp/dac. It replaced a Volex 17604 on the APL(which I use as a transport). The only areas that I would question the use of the Lessloss pc is on equipment that has some power filtering or conditioning.
I'm very happy with LessLoss PCs on my digital source gear.

I prefer PS Audio Statement SC PCs for my monoblock amps.
Mmakshak, why do you think the LessLoss pc is not good for PLC equipment? Which PLC have you tried?

I have two LessLoss power cords: one for the digital source and one for the PLC. My PLC is Shunyata Guardian 6. I found that if I add any more LessLoss, my system would sound a bit etchy.