Devore Super 8 speakers with WHAT cable?

Super8 's on their way and looking for the best combination of speaker cable? Can a great cable be had for Approx $250US? Would be paired with a Red Wine Audio Sig 30.2 Thankks, e
Alpha Core Goertz MI-2 Veracity. A little over your budget for an 8' pair but well worth the extra $50 or so. 30 day trial available.
"The Auditorium 23 are $880 for an 8 foot pair." ... not true. There is a 2.5m pair currently posted for sale on Agon for $450.00 OBO.

Regardless of all our suggestions, it would be wise to demo before buying if possible.
Are you trying to change some characteristic from what you are hearing now?
bjesien, not hearing anything with the devores yet, as they have not arrived. So I am doing research to short list cables to compare to my current anti-cables. I may not be trying to reach the "ultimate" sound but without comparing to other cables I cannot see what the devores are capable of. Or the cables for that matter.

Gregg Straley Reality cables seems the most interesting to me at this point. and they have a trial period. I am even considering the Walmart DIY cable (a.k.a 6moons WLM) just for fun (@ about $12)!

I appreciate the ideas posted above.

I have never used them, but hear good things about the Anti-Cables. Paul Speltz in MN has amassed a huge fan club of followers many of which are converts from super high end cable to his stuff - pretty much rav reviews all the way around. And if I am not mistaken the Super 8's are not bi-wire, so you only need one set - $100 bucks, 10 foot pair!

Others to consider that are close in your price range:
DH Labs Silver Sonic Q-10,
JPSLabs UltraConductor 2,
Both have a very good following, probably in the $200-$450 range depending on length.