Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C

Hello my friends!

I have a pair or Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" balanced interconnect to demo in my system. First impressions are very impressive with a really liquid but tonally balanced midrange and very nice top and bottom end. Although a very expensive cable I think they worth the money.

What is your opinion regarding these cables? Have you compared them to similarly priced products? Your opinion would be highly appreciated!
Please help me decide!


Jim Aud has done a fantastic job with the new Proteus Provectus cables.
They are really awesome cables. He makes a Proteus Provectus tonearm cable now and I am considering upgrading my Venustas to this one. This is THE tonearmcable to beat IMHO.

I hope so ! My new Proteus Provectus tonearm cable is on a fedex truck to be delived to me today ! I am moving from a Venustas...
Jfrech, congratulations for your system, TOP ! Apparently you are also a big Purist Audio enthousiast. Those cables do transport music like no other. I was very sceptical , and when I tryed one in my system, no-way to give it back, it is addictive ! Please give us your impressions of your move from Venustas to Proteus Provectus tonearmcable...
It's great to hear of the new wave of Purist cables....mainly tonearm cables.

I too ran with Venustas and then later Dominus tonearm cables. Once I compared the Stealth Hyperphono, the above Purist cables were grainy and had mediocre resolution on the top. Fortunately the Stealth retained the incredible Dominus bass foundation and midrange textures.

The Graham IC-70 was a major disappointment, significantly outperformed by the SilverAudio SilverBreeze and a late 1980s Straightwire phono cable.

Now with two tonearms, I'd like to find another tonearm cable that is not so expensive like the Stealth. It sounds like the new Provectus might be worthy of audition. What's the going price of the Provectus?