Just a suggestion. When you shop for speaker cables, don't start with a dollar amount. Speaker cable is one of those things that higher price doesn't mean better. The interactions between the power amp, the speaker cable, and the speaker must be dealt with as one unit. I am using BAT VK-51SE, BAT-VK75SE(winter amp), Theta Dreadnaught(summer amp), and Vandy 5. I have tried many speaker cables ranging from $20 Home Depot power cord to Nordost SPM. I ended up using two pairs of Alpha Core Python in bi-amp configuration with the Theta Dreadnaught and a pair of Harmonic Tech Pro-9 bi-wired with the BAT. I could have used the Home Depot power cord with the BAT if it has better WAF. Sound-wise, I couldn't hear any difference.
My point is don't over look low price cables just because they are cheap. And try to ignore the price when you audition. It might save you a lot of money to put into other upgrades that might yield more improvements.
Just a suggestion. When you shop for speaker cables, don't start with a dollar amount. Speaker cable is one of those things that higher price doesn't mean better. The interactions between the power amp, the speaker cable, and the speaker must be dealt with as one unit. I am using BAT VK-51SE, BAT-VK75SE(winter amp), Theta Dreadnaught(summer amp), and Vandy 5. I have tried many speaker cables ranging from $20 Home Depot power cord to Nordost SPM. I ended up using two pairs of Alpha Core Python in bi-amp configuration with the Theta Dreadnaught and a pair of Harmonic Tech Pro-9 bi-wired with the BAT. I could have used the Home Depot power cord with the BAT if it has better WAF. Sound-wise, I couldn't hear any difference.
My point is don't over look low price cables just because they are cheap. And try to ignore the price when you audition. It might save you a lot of money to put into other upgrades that might yield more improvements.