Do speaker cables really matter?

Hell yes!

Been running a double run of Kimber 8TC from SimAudio W-6 monoblocks to my Aerial Acoustics Model 9 speakers. Had for a few months wondered if the speaker cable was the weakest link in my system at this point. Really struggled with the question speaker cable really mattered or is it all snake oil? I'm here to say, "It matters. It really, really matters!"

Picked up a pair of MIT Shotgun S1 bi-wire (thanks, Joe!) and switched them out yesterday. Wow! My system is blowing up! I thought Aerial had simply rolled off the highest of the highs. No, they were there all the time but the 8TC was 'veiling' it. Also, they speakers have become slightly more forward, which is a good thing. Overall improvement up and down the scale. Soundstage has increased dramatically. Almost sounds as if a bedsheet has been sitting over my speakers the last few months and now it's been removed. They hairs on my arms lift up when listening, now. I truly didn't think it would make such a difference and thought I would post that it did. It really did. Can't imagine what will happen as they break in.

I hope posting this helps a few members who are sitting on the fence. Was considering The Cable Company library to try a few but didn't want to wait. Too impatient.
I've found the same holds true for IC's. My recent upgrade to Jade Hybrid IC's was a revelation. They were not cheap, but their addition to my system really took things up a notch. My future upgrades will be either power cords or speaker cables... not components or speakers.
Some years back The esteemed reviewer Julian Hirsch did a test involving a number of speaker cables, and determined at the conclusion that, "Speaker cables make no difference". So much for deaf reviewers! There are many in here that will tell you, " It's your imagination/wishful thinking/etc", and "There is no such thing as cable burn-in". Ignore them!!
leave them in a few weeks and see what you think then. they will settle into your system and your ears will get used to them and you will have an even more accurate perspective...
The only cable that makes my all Krell system sound the way I like it is Purist Audio Design Venustas or higher. I would actually say that going better in the cable will help prevent equipment changes as frequently and a bigger improvement than gear. I have been very content with my system because of them and has been stable for at least 5 years.