Speaker cable upgrade

Is it make sense to you at all that I upgrade to an 8000 USD speaker cable for my system. I currently use 800 USD speaker cable and Audience 24 E interconnect
My sys as follow
Thiel CS3.7 14000 USD
BAT 32SE preamp 8500 USD
Power amp Rogue Audio Zeus 8000 USD
CD player BAT D5 SE 6500USD

Should I upgrade the speaker cable
Um how about telling us what speaker cables you're using and in what ways you're dissatisfied with them, rather than just telling us they cost $800? Also I'm pretty sure most would agree that there are no cut and dried numbers or ratio's in terms of how much cables should cost versus components. If I could offer just one piece of advise with cables it's to buy used, let someone else pay for their depreciation! Ok one more, listen in your system rather than looking at price tags. With used cables it's very easy to buy, listen, and flip until you get something you really love, and if you are smart and careful you can do this with minimal investment other than the initial purchase. Good luck but most of all happy listening!

I think $8000 for just one cable is pushing it. I'm using Stereovox Reference LSP-600C and I can't conceive that a much more expensive cable can bring more improvement. I think it will sound different, but that doesn't mean that is better in any aspect.

The Stereovox LSP-600C has an unbelievable clarity and tonal balance. I didn't think that a speaker cable could bring quietness to the sound until I had this cable in my system. It was as if I introduced a power conditioner to my system, and not a speaker cable. Music sounds eerily close to the real thing with excellent dynamic contrast.

I highly recommend to try a BURNED IN sample. In my experience, this cable takes longer than usual to burn in. Even if the cable has been used, it will take some time to settle in again if it has not seen a signal for a while. After it has settled in, the sound is simply glorious.


Maybe you should have someone evaluate your acoustic listening environment before plucking down the money for different speaker cables.
No.....period....for that much money you can get good sp/cables and 2 pairs of IC's. Try the IC's first then go from there.