Audioquest Diamond interconnects

Ive had several of these for years and am wondering how competitive they are to today's Audioquest offerings. So, anyone with direct experience have a feel for where in the current line I'd have to start with to exceed the level I've now got with the Diamonds??
I've had only the AQ Diamondsx3, and liked them better than any other non-AQ interconnects. Interesting that only the first reviewer found them bright or edgy and no one else. I found them to be the opposite, so I would also ask along with others what his associated equip is. Two other remarks: I'm glad I bought my AQs before China -- that should make them worth more than the $400 I paid 14 years ago! Also, I wonder how much actual silver content they do have.
I've gone thru several IC iterations starting with the Copperheads, Diamondbacks, King Cobras, and then into their dbs line with the Columbias.

The Copperheads and Diamondbacks were my first NFW experience with the sonic offerings of cables. Good values.

In my rig, however, the King Cobras sounded sloppy, and the Columbias were too bright.

I found the Goldilock's "just right" set with an older set of Jaguars - amazing balance and super clean mid-bass.

Everything matters - so your sweet spot may be a different set to get the right system synergy.

Just stirring the pot....
AQ Diamond 2x XLRs were my last commercial cable before DIY copper foils. The AQs stay mostly in a drawer. They're too laid back and uninvolving for most applications.
I've owned Ruby, Lapis in various iterations, Diamond, and for the past many years, Niagara and Sky. Diamond was very transparent and fast, more open sounding than Lapis, and with a wider frequency response range, but I did notice that electronic sheen or edge sometimes. If proof is in the pudding, I sold off my several pairs over time but ended up keeping a pair of late-edition Lapis, which had a more fleshed out and honest midrange I thought. I keep the Lapis as a tester backup and have had Sky and Niagara in my system for many years now (and Dragon for the speakers).